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Gravity walls are used in infrastructure, landscape or urban projects for the construction of retaining walls. The sometimes rugged relief of some west African landscapes (such as the city of Abidjan for example) creates the need to build these gravity walls for the development of land and infrastructure (roads, railways, etc.). Industrial and mining sites (e.g. crushers) also require support, sometimes at great heights.

Gabion walls have great advantages over other retaining techniques (such as concrete or rockfill): their flexibility (gabion walls are the only structures capable of undergoing differential settling without damage), their drainage capacity (the porosity of each gabion allows water to drain through the wall), their speed of implementation and their immediate effectiveness.

INEXENCE Réalisation - Africa carried out its first projects in 2007 in Lobito (Angola): civil engineering work on the construction of a port quay extension, protection against erosion for a coastal zone and an industrial site. Following on from these examples, the adventure is ongoing, with local establishments in west Africa and the development of a network of partners.

“Without hands, the head cannot reach the sky”
African proverb"

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